Coming up soon. Engage 2022

I’ve just came back to my blog and noticed, that I have not written since the last Engage that took place in March 2020. You all know what happened in between and how we all missed the occasional gathering of the HCL Collaboration Software Community.

So, the wait is over. Theo Heselmans with huge support of Hilde has found us a great place to meet in the historic city of Bruges. The event will take place in May from the 24th, to the 25th, 2022. One day earlier on Monday afternoon there are already very interesting workshops that are worth your time as well.

Here is the link to register:

If you are hesitant if you should attend, I’ll give you a few reasons why you should travel to Belgium:
– Choose from over 80 sessions, all around HCL software, like Domino, Connections, Sametime or Volt. Listen and learn, the speakers want to share their knowledge
– Meet HCL Product Managers and Representatives in a professional, but informal environment. They are eager to talk to you and know about customer success stories and challenges.
– Meet technical experts from different industries (bring your technical challenges and issues, there is a lot of talent around)
– Talk to the sponsors and business partners and get to know their solutions and products
– Attend the numerous round tables and get your voice heard. All hosts love a vivid conversation
– If you attend for the first time, no worries. Even if it feels like a class reunion (and somehow it is) we are a friendly bunch. Just introduce yourself and you’ll belong to the group faster than you may think
– Use the different breaks to make new friends and mingle

In that sense, we see each other in May!

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